
The following volumes of the Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce are now digitally available:

Volume 51.2

Lucas Di Lena, Data Privacy Regulation’s Impact on the Global Digital Innovation Economy: An Analysis of International Regulatory Effects on the Technology Industry

Arlene S. Kanter, Andrew Horsfall, Zhijuan Niu, Qi Wu, & Dr Moon-Heum Cho, International L.L.M. Students and Their Experiences: A Case Study of Syracuse University College of Law’s L.L.M. Program

Robert H. Hu, Apology as an Intellectual Property Remedy in China: A Preliminary Examination fo American Litigation Experiences

Faraz Shahlaei, State-Sponsored Doping and International State Responsibility: Caveats of the International Anti-Doping System

Volume 51.1

Su Young Cho, Departing from Nationalism v. Internationalism: Examining the Oe-Kyujanggak Restitution Model As a Means to Propose a Negotiation Method That Could Protect the Interest of Both the Country of Origin and Museums That Hold the Cultural Heritage

Eduardo Kreimerman Meyohas, An Impossible Choice for Foreign Banks: The Role of International Cooperation in the Clash of the U.S. Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020 with Swiss and French Bank Secrecy Laws

Taville Francis, Pass the Kush: Establishing a Viable Jamaican Cannabis Export Industry Under Current International Drug Regime

Dr. Asif H. Qureshi, The U.S. Chips and Science Act of 2022: A Self-Interested Indulgence in Foreign Trade and Science Or a Model for Future Development?

Volume 50.2

Devin E. Miller, The New Space Race: Exploration and Exploitation in the Commons of the Twenty-First Century

Christopher Moxley, The ICC Playbook: Strategies States Use to Influence the International Criminal Court

Elizabeth A. Stawicki, Professor Patricia Hassett Pioneer in International and Comparative Law, Technology and Law, and the Legal Profession

Ryan Ockenden, Nuclear Energy for the Table, Please

The Global Accountability Network’s Ukraine Task Force, The International Criminal Court’s Jurisdiction Over Extraordinary Renditions From the Territory of States Parties

Connor Mallon, Anti-Satellite Weapons & the Law of Armed Conflict

Volume 50.1

Dr. Ardit Memeti, A Sovereign Legacy of the League of Nations: A Reflux of Membership in International Organizations

Dr. Destaw A. Yigzaw, The International Criminal Court in a World Retreating from International Rule of Law

Rebecca Buchanan, Passing the Pace Car: How America’s Insufficient Autonomous Vehicle Regulations Threaten Safety and U.S. Global Economic Power

Amanda Roberts, The Secret’s Out: The Who, What, When, and How of a Context-Specific Exception to Trade Secret Rights in Big Pharma

Jernej Letnar Cernic, Enforcement Models Under the Potential United Nations Business and Human Rights Treaty: An Exploration

Volume 49.2

Justin M. Lange, Intellectual Infidelity: The United States, Intellectual Property Law, and Thaler v. Iancu

Esther Kim, Lost in Translation: Absence of Domestic Implementation of International Norms for the Indigenous Peoples of the United States

Alyssa Christian, Putting Protectionist Regulations Out to Pasture: How International Regimes Can Impact the Environment

David P. Stewart and Andrew Feinstein, Private International Law: An Introduction From an American Perspective

Nelson Falkenburg, A Precautionary, Preventative Framework for Outer Space Resources: Applying the Antarctic Treaty System’s Madrid Protocol to the Unregulated Frontier of ‘New Space’

Volume 49.1

Matthew J. McCartin, Confronting the Behemoth: China, Human Rights, and the United Nations

Christopher Waters, Your Data as a Weapon: How TikTok Captures a Security Crisis

Mazaher Kalia, The Global Prison Crisis: Will the U.S. Take Accountability and Lead in Reform?

Julien Chaisse, Debashis Chakraborty, Oindrila Dey, Power Dynamics in the Asia-Pacific: A Game Theoretic Framework for Analyzing India-China International Trade Rivalry

Volume 48.2

Audrey Bimbi, Unfinished Business: Why Multilateral Development Banks Need to Carry Out Post-Project Environmental Assessments

Conor Bowers, Tampa Bay Rays of Montreal: Home Field Advantage in Two Countries

Moneeka Brar, The Right to Remain Anonymous: How the GDPR Should Look to India and China to Fix the Incomplete Concept of Data Anonymization

Ilias Bantekas, The Contractual and Transnational Nature of Sovereign Donor-Trustee International Aid Contributions

David Cluxton, Choice of Forum in Passenger Claims Under the Montreal Convention 1999: A Two-Dimensional Solution to a Three-Dimensional Problem

E. Barrett Ristroph, Human Rights Due Diligence: Why It Matters and Why It’s Not Enough Without Access to Remedies for Human Rights Violations

Volume 48.1

Briana Clayton, Massacre in the Media: Why Mexican Journalists Should Qualify for Asylum Protection Under the ‘Particular Social Group’ Prong Before It’s Too Late

Brenna Mason, Transitional Justice: Lessons from Northern Ireland and Their Application to Achieving Peace in the Middle East

Stanley Arthur Gacek & Ana Virginia Moreira Gomes, Trade Union Financing Law in the United States and in Brazil- An Ironic Convergence

Matthew Gregory, Minding the Gap: Understanding Suwalki Vulnerabilities in the Post-INF Security Environment

P. Sean Morris, The Practices of Private Global Norm Production and Intellectual Property Epistemic Communities

Volume 47.2

Kitsuron Sangsuvan, Resolving the Conflict on the Korean Peninsula by Preventive Diplomacy and the Rule of Law

Chitra Dave, China and the United States: Why China Should Continue to Trade with Lower Barriers

Davida Micaela Hawkes, Hiding Behind a Level Playing Field: How the International Association of Athletics Federation Attempts to Regulate the Feminine Ideal by Perpetuating Discriminatory Practices against Female Olympic Runners from Non-Western Countries

Natalie Maier, Customary International Law as a Check on Press Freedom’s Strongmen

Richard Pado, Paying Their Fair Share: The Relationship Between Funding and Mutual Defense Obligations in NATO

Volume 47.1

Christian C. Day, Hamilton’s Law and Finance- Borrowing from the Brits (and the Dutch)

Thomas A. Kelley, The Death of Custom: Winners and Losers in the Legal Transformation of Peri-Urban Land in Niger

Shigenori Matsui, Is “My Number” Really My Number?: National Identification Numbers and the Right to Privacy in Japan

Nicholas W. Carter, Powers Used For Evil: United States Defense Contractors’ Aiding and Abetting of Saudi Arabian War Crimes in the Yemeni Civil War

Jeanine M. Cryan, The Battle of the Bronze: International Law and the Restitution of Cultural Property

Volume 46.2

Jesse Liss, The Origins, Purposes, and Negotiations of the NAFTA Investment Agreements: Implications For Renegotiations and Integration with China

Harry M. Rhea, International Criminal Courts Prior to The Second World War: An Historical Analysis of International and Multinational Criminal Courts Preceding Nuremberg

Chris Battiloro, Fentanyl: How China’s Pharmaceutical Loopholes Are Fueling the United States’ Opioid Crisis

Sarah Shepp, Priceless Kidney: The Ineffectiveness of Organ Trafficking Legislation

Volume 46.1

Marvin L. Astrada, Revisiting the WTO Rare Earths Dispute- Law, Trade, Sovereignty, & Environmental Security in a Networked World

Frederick V. Perry, The Assault on International Law: Populism and Entropy on the March

Michael R. Sinclair, The Rising Dragon and the Dying Bear: Reflections on the Absence of a Unified America From the World Stage and the Resurgence of State-Based Threats to U.S. National Security

Joshua D. Caron, Japan’s Pacifist Constitution: Imposed on It by the United States, Now Japan Scrambles to Answer North Korea’s Threats

Brittany V. Dierken, Uber’s International Tax Scheme: Innovative Tax Avoidance or Simple Tax Evasion? 

Volume 45.2

Joseph M. Isanga, Philippines v. China Aftermath: Rule of Law and Legitimacy Under Assault

Valentina Vadi, Power, Law and Images: International Law and Material Culture

Sarah A. Lafen, U.N. Regulation- The Best Approach to Effective Cyber Defense? 

Adam T. Sanderson, Overstepping its Boundaries: The European Commission Followed the OECD’s Influence But Went One Step Too Far

Volume 43.1

Robert Bejesky, How the U.S. Occupation Imposed Economic Reforms on Iraq Irrespective of International Law as a Foundation for the Present Oil Bonanza

Shara Monteleone, Addressing the ‘Failure’ of Informed Consent in Online Data Protection: Learning the Lessons from Behaviour-Aware Regulation

Frederick V. Perry and Wendy Gelman, A Multilateral Convention on Outlawing Incitement to Acts of Terrorism Under International Law

Jessica Grimm, The Import of Hollywood Films in China: Censorship and Quotas

Kathleen Boumans, Filling the Gaps: New Proposals for the Convention on the Rights of a Child

Volume 42.2

Robert Bejesky, CPA Dictates on Iraq: Not an Update to the Customary International Law of Occupation but the Nucleus of Blowback With the Emergence of ISIS

Dr. Eric De Brabandere, Host States’ Due Diligence Obligations in International Investment Law

Harri Kalimo and Tim Staal, ‘Softness’ in International Instruments: The Case of Transnational Corporations

Naji’a Tameez, Road to Recovery: Pakistan’s Human Rights Crisis in the FATA

Samantha Diorio, Data Protection Laws: Quilts versus Blankets

Volume 42.1

Sacchidananda Mukherjee, Debashis Chakraborty, and Julien Chaisse, Curtailing Subsidy Wars in Global Trade: Revisiting the Economics of World Trade Organization Law on Subsidies

Dr. Bo Zhao, Legal Cases on Posthumous Reputation and Posthumous Privacy: History Censorship, Law, Politics and Culture

David A. Koplow, A Nuclear Kellogg-Briand Pact: Proposing a Treaty for the Renunciation of Nuclear War as an Instrument of National Policy

John C. Carroll, Economic Democracy, Made in Germany: The Mietshauser Syndikat Model as a Framework for Developing Democratic Enterprises

Kulsoom K. Ijaz, Shifting Paradigms: Promoting an American Adoption Campaign for Afghan Children

Volume 41.2

Harri Kalimo and Tim Staal, ‘Softness’ in International Instruments: The Case of Transnational Corporations

Wenqing Liao, Efficient Breach in the Common European Sales Law

Hao Duy Phan, Promoting Compliance: An Assessment of ASEAN Instruments Since the ASEAN Charter

Michelle M. Chester, The Answer is in the Evidence: Plain Packaging, Graphic Health Warnings, and the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act

Katie Wendle, Establishing Liability for the Enslavement and Forced Labor of Children Under the Alien Tort Statute

Volume 41.1

Robert Bejesky, How the Commander in Chief’s ‘Call for Papers’ Veils a Path Dependent Result of Torture

Mark J. Wolff, Failure of the International Monetary Fund & World Bank to Achieve Integral Development: A Critical Historical Assessment of Bretton Woods Instiutions’ Policies, Structures & Governance

Nidham G Al Abasey, Cakes Without Sugar: Reasons Behind Foreign Investor Reluctance to Enter Mesopotamia

John Weldon, The LIBOR Manipulation Scandal & The Wheatley Review: A Band-Aid on a Knife Wound

Samantha C. Robbins, Who’s Your Daddy? The International Market for American Sperm

Volume 34.1

Stephen E. Blythe, A Critique of India’s Information Technology Act and Recommendations for Improvement

Julie Gunnigle, ‘Birds of a Feather’ RICO: Trying Partners in Crime Together

Surya Deva, Global Compact: A Critique of the U.N.’s ‘Public-Private’ Partnership for Promoting Corporate Citizenship

James McConvill, Getting a Good Buy with a Little Help from a Friend: Turning to the United States to Go Forward with Australian Takeovers Regulations

Joshua J. Tonra, The Threat of Border Security on Indigenous Free Passage Rights in North America

Carrie A. Rankin, Romania’s New Child Protection Legislation: Change in Intercountry Adoption Law Results in a Human Rights Violation

Volume 33.1

Malcom M. Feeley, The Syracuse Conference on a World Rule of Law: American Perspectives An Introduction

Richard E. D. Schwartz, Community and Democracy: Syracuse Reflections

Philip Selznick, American Society and the Rule of Law

Daan Braveman, On Law and Democratic Development: Popular Constitutionalism and Judicial Supremacy

Lawrence M. Friedman, Roads to Democracy

David Shomar, Democracy and the Arab World

Robert W. Daly, On Democratic Personalities

Denise A. Hartman, Constitutional Responsibility to Provide a System of Free Public Schools: How Relevant is the States’ Experience to Shaping Governmental Obligations in Emerging Democracies?

Charles V. Willie, The Contribution of Brown v. Board of Education to Law and Democratic Development

Brian Z. Tamanaha, The Tensions Between Legal Instrumentalism and the Rule of Law

Samuel Krislov, Do Free Markets Create Free Societies?

David H. Rosenbloom and Suzanne J. Piotrowski, Reinventing Public Administration While ‘De-Inventing’ Administrative Law: Is it Time tor an ‘APA’ for Regulating Outsourced Government Work?

Jerome H. Skolnick, Democratic Policing Confronts Terror and Protest

Richard E. D. Schwartz, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Psychological Contribution to the United Nations

David S. Berry, Democratic Norms and Regional Stability Panel Discussion An Introduction

Timothy D. Rudy, A Quick Look at the Inter-American Democratic Charter of the OAS: What is it and is it ‘Legal’?

David S. Berry, Non-Democratic Transitions: Reactions of the OAS and Caricom to Aristide’s Departure

Stephen J. Schnably, The OAS and Constitutionalism: Lessons from Recent West African Experience

Robert H. Trudell, Food Security Emergencies and the Power of Eminent Domain: A Domestic Legal Tool to Treat a Global Problem

W. Carson McLean, The Sarbanes-Oxley Act: A Detriment to Market Globalization & International Securities Regulation

Volume 32.2

Makoto Toda and William McCarty, Corporate Governance Changes in the Two Largest Economies: What’s Happening in the U.S. and Japan?

Samuel J.M. Donnelly, Reflecting on the Rule of Law. Its Reciprocal Relation with Rights, Legitimacy and Other Concepts and Institutions

Leo Van den hole, Towards a Test of the International Character of an Armed Conflict: Nicaragua and Tadie

Survey of International Law

Demian Casey, Breaking the Chain of Violence in Israel and Palestine: Suicide Bombings and Targeted Killings Under International Humanitarian Law

Kristoffer P. Kiefer, Exercising Their Rights: Native American Nations of the United States Enhancing Political Sovereignty Through Ratification of the Rome Statute

Volume 32.1

Leticia Diaz and Barry Hart Dubner, On the Problem of Utilizing Unilateral Action to Prevent Acts of Sea Piracy and Terrorism: A Proactive Approach to the Evolution of International Law

Florence Shu-Acquaye, The Legal Implications of Living with HIV/AIDS in a Developing Country: The African Story

Edmund M.A. Kwaw, The Evolving Law on the Eurobank-Customer Relationship and the Common Law: The Need for Clarity

Melissa S. Burchell, America’s Struggle to Develop a Consistent Legal Approach to Controversial Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Therapeutic Cloning: Are Politics Getting in the Way of Hope?

David M. Nelson, The Police Powers: A Pretext for Protectionism?

Volume 31.2

Henry H. Perritt, Jr., Iraq and the Future of United States Foreign Policy: Failures of Legitimacy

Marian Hagler, International Money Laundering and U.S. Law: A Need to “Know-Your-Partner”

S. Brock Blomberg, The War in Iraq and IMF Reform

Kerrie M. Taylor, Thicker Than Blood: Holding Exxon Mobile Liable for Human Rights Violations Committed Abroad

Caroline E. Nicolai, Islamic Law and the International Protection of Women’s Rights: The Effect of Shari’a in Nigeria

Survey of International Law in the Second Circuit, Warsaw Convention

Survey of International Law in the Second Circuit, International Money Laundering Statute

Survey of International Law in the Second Circuit, Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act

Survey of International Law in the Second Circuit, Alien Tort Claims Act

Survey of International Law in the Second Circuit, Recognition of Foreign Judgments

Survey of International Law in the Second Circuit, National Stolen Property Act

Survey of International Law in the Second Circuit, Convention Against Torture

Survey of International Law in the Second Circuit, Universal Jurisdiction

Volume 31.1

Charles D. Cole, Jr., Charging the Jury on Damages in Personal-Injury Cases: How New York Can Benefit from the English Practice

Kuan-Chun Chang, Necessary Reform of Insurance Law in China after its WTO Accession

Daan Braveman, The Legal Arguments in the Seneca-Cayuga Tribe Bingo Hall Construction Case

Ann C. Juliano, What is the Federal Government’s Trust Responsibility Towards Removed and Unremoved Indian Nations?

Allison M. Dussias, Does the Right to Self-Determination Include a Right to a Homeland?

Heather R. Campbell, When Good Tax Law Goes Bad: Stanley Works’ Recent Dilemma and How the Internal Revenue Code Disadvantages U.S. Multinational Corporations Forcing their Fight to Foreign Jurisdictions

Sonja M. Halverson, Small State with a Big Tradition: Norway Continues Whaling at the Expense of Integration and Nordic Cooperation

Volume 26.1

Professor Ernest R. Larkins, U.S. Income Taxation of Foreign Parties: A Primer

Terence P. Stewart and David S. Johanson, The SPS Agreement of the World Trade Organization and International Organizations: The Roles of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the International Plant Protection Convention, and the International Office of Epizootics

Professor Edieth Y. Wu, Saddam Hussein as Hostes Humani Generis? Should the U.S. Intervene?

Dean Henry H. Perritt, Jr., The Reluctant Sheriff: The United States After the Cold War (Richard Haas, 1997)

1997-1998 Survey of International Law in the Second Circuit

Karen Sepura, Economic Espionage: The Front Line of a New World Economic War

Leslie Cataldo, A Dynasty Weaned From Biotechnology: the Emerging Face of China

Volume 25.1

Hans Smit, American Assistance to Litigation in Foreign and International Tribunals: Section 1782 of Title 28 of the U.S.C. Revisited

James R. Maxeiner, International Legal Careers: Paths and Directions

Paul Lagarde, Sur la non-codification du droit international prive francais

George A. Bermann, The European Intergovernmental Conference: An American Perspective

Wallace R. Baker and Patrick de Frontbressin, The French Refere Procedure and Conflicts of Human Rights

Bernhard Schloh, The Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Volume 18.1

M.H. Hoeflich, German Jewish Refugee Lawyers Abroad: The Bonn Conference of 1991

Bernhard Grossfeld and Peter Winship, The Law Professor Refugee

Deborah Z. Cass, Re-Thinking Self-Determination: A Critical Analysis of Current International Law Theories

J. Hayden Kepner, Jr., Mexico’s New Foreign Investment Regulations: A Legal Analysis

John Quigley, The New World Order and the Rule of Law

Shaw J. Dallal, International Law and the United Nations’ Role in the Gulf Crisis

Douglas Hollowell, 1990-91 Survey of International Law in the Second Circuit

Kristina Smith, Investing in Democracy: Joint Venture Opportunities in the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic

Anthony J. Davis, Canada’s Constitutional Crisis After Meech Lake: Setting a New Course for a European Union?

Volume 17.1

Manfred Lachs, Myres S. McDougal, and Peter E. Herzog, In Memoriam for L.F.E. Goldie

Eugene T. Rossides, Cyprus and the Rule of Law

Rett R. Ludwikowski, Searching for a New Constitutional Model for East-Central Europe

Raymer W. McQuiston, Rule 144A, Regulation S and Amending the Glass-Steagall Act: A New Look at Foreign Banks and Foreign Issuers Participating in the United States Securities Market

Neil J. Weidner, The Court of First Instance of the European Communities

Kerry L. Holland, Exploitation on Porpoise: The Use of Purse Seine Nets by Commercial Tuna Fisherman in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean

Volume 16.2

Alan F. Holmer, Judith H. Bello, and Patricia A. Zinski, Closing the Loopholes: 1988 Trade Act Amendments to the Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Laws

John F. Imhof, Jr., The Pathology of Insider Trading and Japan’s Amended Securities Exchange Law

Lorri M. Thompson, Soviet Straitjacket Psychiatry: New Legislation to End the Psychiatric Reign of Terror in the U.S.S.R.

Dina S. Goldstein, The Need for Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in the Application of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Boureslan v. Aramco

Volume 16.1

John Quigley, Law for a World Community 

Giovanna M. Cinelli, Jurisdictional Quagmire: The Implications of K-Mart Corp. v. Cartier

Arval A. Morris, Germany’s New Telecommunications Law

Scott B. Goldie, Blood on North American Soil: A Comparison of United States and Canadian Infectious Waste Disposal Regulations

Nancy R. Weisberg, Canadian Signal Piracy Revisited in Light of the Free Trade Agreement and the Berne Convention: Is This a Blueprint for Global Intellectual Property Protection?

Volume 15.2

Stanley J. Marcuss and Arthur R. Watson, Technology Transfer in the People’s Republic of China: An Assessment

Timothy Gelatt, China’s New Cooperative Joint Venture Law

James V. Feinerman, The Evolving Chinese Enterprise

Mitchel Silk, Recent Efforts in China’s Drive to Promote Investment Through the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights: The 1988 Trademark Rules and the 1988 Technology Import Contract Rules

Ronald C. Brown, The Faces of Japanese Labor Relations in Japan and the U.S. and the Emerging Legal Issues Under U.S. Labor Laws

Debbie Morowitz, Prosecuting Nazi War Criminals in the United States: The Time in Which to Punish is Running Out

Jan Hillary Klinek, The Present Status of the Southeast Asian Refugees Under the 1980 Refugee Act: A Call for Reform

Volume 14.2

Shaw J. Dallal, Israeli Human Rights Violations and Palestinian Violence

L.F.E. Goldie, Profile of a Terrorist: Distinguishing Freedom Fighters from Terrorists

Sompong Sucharitkul, International Terrorism and the Problem of Jurisdiction

Justus R. Weiner, Terrorism: Israel’s Legal Responses

Cheryl B. Feldmus, Terror in the Skies: Who Should Pay the Price?

Raymer McQuiston, Developing Countries are Undermining Corporate America’s Capacity to Market its Creativity: A call for a Reasoned Solution by the United States Government in Light of the Continuing Deterioration of the International Trademark System

David A. Rikard, An End to Unilateral U.S. Action in Latin America: A Call for Expanding the Role of the O.A.S.

Volume 14.1

Joseph J. Wielebinski, Extending Extraterritorial Accommodations in Foreign Insolvency Proceedings

Kevin C. Kennedy, Abandoning the Deference Rule in ITC Interpretations of the Antidumping Duty Law

David A. Cohen, The U.S.-Canadian Automotive Trading Relationship and the Legality of the Canadian Duty Remission Program

Andrea M. Grilli, Preventing Billions From Being Washed Offshore: A Growing Approach to Stopping International Drug Trafficking

Stephen J. Psutka, Dennis Levine, An Exception to the Norm: Inside Trading and Foreign Bank Secrecy

Volume 11.3

Patricia J. Youngblood, 1983-84 Survey of International Law in the Second Circuit

N. David Palmeter, The Trade and Tariff Act of 1984: From the Customs Treatment of Manhole Covers to the Return of Goods from Outer Space

Stanley J. Marcuss and Kathryn Hoff-Patrinos, Foreign Sales Corporations: A New Form of Tax Relief for Exporters

David D. Knoll, The Impact of Security Concerns Upon International Economic Law

Christian C. Day, The Recovery of Hong Kong by the People’s Republic of China- A Fifty Year Experiment in Capitalism and Freedom

Stephen D. Mellema, Franklin Mint Corporation v. Trans World Airlines, Inc.: Limiting Air Carrier Liability Under the Warsaw Convention

Brigitte Herzog, Japanese Business Law and the Legal System by Elliot J. Hahn

Volume 11.2

Goodwin Cooke, Historic Bays of the Mediterranean: A Conference Sponsored by Syracuse University and the University of Pisa: Foreward

L.F.E. Goldie, Historic Bays in International Law- An Impressionistic Overview

Natalino Ronzitti, Is the Gulf of Taranto an Historic Bay?

Gayl S. Westerman, The Juridical Status of the Gulf of Taranto: A Brief Reply

Francesco Francioni, The Status of the Gulf of Sirte in International Law

Andrea Gioia, Tunisia’s Claims Over Adjacent Seas and the Doctrine of “Historical Rights”

Andrea de Guttry, The Delimitation of Territorial Waters in the Mediterranean Sea

Lori-Ann Ricci, Countertrade and Export Trading Companies: Has the United States Joined the Successful Trading Game of Japan and Others?

Volume 11.1

Daniel Patrick Moynihan, International Law and International Order

John Warren Kindt, The Law of the Sea: Anadromous and Catadromous Fish Stocks, Sedentary Species, and the Highly Migratory Species

David James Cichanowicz, Foreign Sales Corporations: A Viable Solution to the DISC Controversy?

Cynthia L. Mellema, Copyright Protection for Computer Software: An International View

Molinda Schoepe, International Regulation of Pharmaceuticals: A WHO International Code of Conduct for the Marketing of Pharmaceuticals?

Frank Charles Forelle, Allied Bank International v. Banco Credito de Cartago, and the International Debt Crisis

Shari Hill Dorfman, The Implementation Process of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes

L.F.E. Goldie, Loyalties, by Daniel Patrick Moynihan, and Cultures In Collision-A Canadian-U.S. Conference on Communications Policy

Volume 10.2

Manfred Lachs, Some Reflections of the Contribution of the International Court of Justice to the Development of International Law

M. Cherif Bassiouni, Reflections on Criminal Jurisdiction in International Protection of Cultural Property

James A.R. Nafziger, Comments on the Relevance of Law and Culture to Cultural Property Law

Lyndel V. Prott, International Control of Illicit Movement of Cultural Heritage: The 1970 UNESCO Convention and Some Possible Alternatives

P.J. O’Keefe, Export and Import Controls on Movement of the Cultural Heritage: Problems at the National Level

Douglas B. Shallcross and Anne G. Giesecke, Recent Developments in Litigation Concerning the Recovery of Historic Shipwrecks

David James Cichanowicz, Countervailing Duties and Non-Market Economies: The Case of the Peoples Republic of China

Ami Setright, IRS Summons Issued at Canada’s Request Enforceable Even Though Information Would Also Be Used For Criminal Prosecution Purposes in Canada

Volume 10.1

Patricia J. Youngblood, 1981-82 Survey of International Law in the Second Circuit

L.F.E. Goldie, A Note on Some Diverse Meanings of “The Common Heritage of Mankind”

Mary Louise Brown, Direct Foreign Investment in Cable Television Systems: An Analysis of Alien Ownership in the context of the United States and Canada

Carol M. Tucker, Regional Human Rights Models in Europe and Africa: A Comparison

Chaim Alexander Levin, International Commercial Arbitration: Domestic Recognition and Enforcement of the Inter-American Convention on International Commercial Arbitration

Stephen R. Crilly, A Nascent Proposal for Expanding the Advisory Opinion Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice

Stephen R. Crilly, Export Trading Company Act of 1982

David Zuckerbraun, The Second Computer Inquiry and the Record Carrier Competition Act of 1981: Their Effect Upon the World Information Order

Volume 9.2

Wallace Timmeny, An Overview of the FCPA

Llyod H. Feller, An Examination of the Accounting Provisions of the FCPA

Frederick B. Wade, An Examination of the Provisions and Standards of the FCPA

John Sweeny, The SEC Interpretive and Enforcement Program Under the FCPA

Richard Shine, Enforcement of the FCPA by the Department of Justice

Albert L. Beswick, Corporate Compliance with the FCPA

Seymour Rubin, International Aspects of the Control of Illicit Payments

L. Robert Primoff, The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Implications for the Private Practitioner

Russell B. Stevenson, The SEC Management Fraud Program

Charles L. Marinaccio S.708: An Amended Verion of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Stephen C. Stanley, Mare Clausum: The American Fisheries Promotion Act of 1980

Joseph J. Wielebinski, An Exercise in Judicial Restraint: Limiting the Extraterritorial Application of the Sherman Act Under the Act of State Doctrine and Sovereign Immunity

Appendix I

Appendix II

Appendix III

Volume 8.2

Theodore M. Hagelin, Prior Consent or the Free Flow of Information over Satellite Radio and Television: A Critique of U.S. Domestic and International Broadcast Policy

Mustapha Masmoudi, Le Nouvel Ordre Mondial de l’Information et les Satellites de Radio Diffusion Directe/The New World Information Order and Direct Broadcasting Satellites

Carl Q. Christol, Telecommunications, Outer Space, and the New International Information Order (NIIO)

Stephen E. Doyle, International Satellite Communications and the New Information Order: Distressing Broadcasting Satellites

Ram S. Jakhu, Direct Broadcasting via Satellite and New Information Order

Gabriel Warren, A Canadian Perspective on Direct Broadcast Satellites and the New World Information and Communication Order

Volume 8.1

Roger S. Clark, Legal Principles of Non-Socialist Economic Integration as Exemplified by the European Economic Community

Isaak I. Dore, Plan and Contract in the Domestic and Foreign Trade of the U.S.S.R.

A.M. Rutkowski, United States Policy Making for the Public International Forums of Communication

Patricia Youngblood, 1980 Survey of International Law in the Second Circuit

Petersen N. Decker, The Joint Ventures Law of the Peoples Republic of China in a Legislated and Negotiated Tax Climate

Thomas R. Wolfe, A New International Information Order: The Developing World and the Free Flow of Information Controversy 

Volume 7.2

Luke W. Finlay, The Proposed New Convention on the Law of the Sea- A Candid Appraisal

Anthony J. Miller, Smith v. the Secretary General of the United Nations

S. Arungu-Olende, Prospects of the United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy and the Perspectives of the African Third World Nations

Albert S. Golbert, Latin American Economic Integration: An Overview of Trade and Developments in the Andean Pact, the Central American Common Market, and the Latin America Free Trade Association

Martin Menter, Commercial Space Activities Under the Moon Treaty

Alan H. Silverman, An Examination of the Antidumping Provisions of the Trade Agreements Act of 1979: U.S. Implementation of the Antidumping Code Formulated in the Tokyo Round

Robert A. Friedlander, Terrorism and Self-Determination: The Fatal Nexus

Janet Berk, Exportation of Hazardous Products

Volume 7.1

Rex J. Zedalis, “Peaceful Purposes” and Other Relevant Provisions of the Revised Composite Negotiating Text: A Comparative Analysis of the Existing and the Proposed Military Regime for the High Seas

Donald E. deKieffer, The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act and Antitrust: A Hollow Promise

Lewis Marks, Japanese Attitudes Towards Commercial Agreements With the People’s Republic of China

Gary P. Scharmett, The Foreign Earned Income Act of 1978- Sections 911 and 913

Claire M. Schenk, The Constitutionality of Legislative Restrictions on the Employment Rights of Legal Resident Aliens in New York State

Volume 6.2

Roger H. Hull, Introduction

L.F.E. Goldie, Customary International Law and Deep Seabed Mining

Richard Young, Inducement for Exploration by Companies

Roy Lee, Deep Seabed Mining and Developing Countries

Paul N. McCloskey, Jr., Domestic Legislation and the Law of the Sea Conference

George H. Aldrich, A System of Exploitation

Lawrence L. Herman, The Niceties of Nickel- Canada and the Production Ceiling Issue at the Law of the Sea Conference

Mati L. Pal, Financial Arrangements

Volume 6.1

Hamilton DeSaussure and P.P.C. Haanappel, A Unified Multinational Approach to the Application of Tort and Contract Principles to Outer Space

K. Venkata Raman, Transnational Corporations, International Law, and the New International Economic Order

George W. Nowell, American Tools to Control the Illegal Movement of Foreign Origin Archaeological Materials: Criminal and Civil Approaches

Patricia J. Sheridan, Coriolan v. Immigration and Naturalization Service: A Closer Look at Immigration Law and the Political Refugee

Nancy L. Cohen, Political Asylum and the Refugee Hijacker: A Suggested Alternative

Volume 5.2

Harold L. Marquis, Legal Integration in the Common Market

A.O. Adede, Loan Agreements Between Developing Countries and Foreign Commercial Banks- Reflections on Some Legal and Economic Issues

Panel Discussion: Refinancing of Third World Debt

Jannet L. Gurian, Pfizer, Inc. v. Government of India: The Ability of Foreign Governments to Sue Under Section 4 of the Clayton Act

Jeremy Galton, The Scope of the National Environmental Policy Act: Should the 102(2)(C) Impact Statement Provision be Applicable to a Federal Agency’s Activities Having Environmental Consequences Within Another Sovereign’s Jurisdiction?

Volume 5.1

Andrew N. Onejeme, The Legal Order of Natural Resources Development Agreements Between Developing Countries and Foreign Investors

Paul Stephen Dempsey, Foreign Commerce Regulation Under the Interstate Commerce Act: An Analysis of Intermodal Coordination of International Transportation in the United States

Alan S. Laufer, Changes in the 1976 Tax Reform Act in the Treatment of DISCs: Streamlining the DISC Provisions

Russell W. MacKechnie, Jr., Sovereignty in Antarctica: The Anglo-Argentine Dispute

William D. Kingery, Jr., Personal Jurisdiction Over Alien Corporate Parents and Affiliates in Antitrust Actions: A Plea for Perspicuity

Volume 4.2

A.O. Adede, The Rule on Interlocutory Injunctions Under Domestic Law and the Interim Measures of Protection Under International Law: Some Critical Differences

James M. Spence, The Foreign Investment Review Act of Canada

Michael Gadbaw, Recent Developments in the Legal Framework of U.S.-Canadian Trade

Panel Discussion: Regulation of Foreign Investment and Trade

Lorne S. Clark, International Law and Natural Resources

Panel Discussion: Regulation of Natural Resource Development

Panel Discussion: Prognostications

James K. Weeks, Book Review

Volume 3.2

Edward McWhinney, The Codifying Conference as an Instrument of International Law-Making: From the “Old” Law of the Sea to the “New”

Frederick M. Abbott, Bargaining Power and Strategy in the Foreign Investment Process: A Current Andean Code Analysis 

David M. Sassoon, Petrodollars- The Recycling Problem: Some Introductory Remarks

Abbas Alnasrawi, The Petrodollar Energy Crisis: An Overview and Interpretation

Donald M. Pattillo, Recycling the Petrodollar: Current Problem, Future Opportunity

Peter Herzog, The European Community and the Recycling of Petrodollars

Volume 3.1

Richard Young, Thoughts on Practicing International Law

Edward McWhinney, International Law-Making and the Judicial Process: The World Court and the French Nuclear Tests Cases

John Hucker, A Synopsis of Canadian Immigration Law

L.F.E. Goldie, A Tribute to Julius Stone on his Retirement from the Challis Chair of Jurisprudence and International Law at Sydney University

Edward McWhinney, Introduction

Milton R. Konvitz, The Pragmatic Realism of Julius Stone

L.F.E. Goldie, Julius Stone and the Adventure of the Idea of Justice

Johann J. Hagen, Legal Sociology and Historical Materialism

Henry E. Strakosch, Revolution- A Spiritual Phenomenon: A Study in the History of Ideas

Erhard Mock, The State as a Secular Phenomenon

Ivanhoe Tebaldeschi, The Meaning and Role of Prescriptive and Descriptive Statements: Particularly in the Legal Universe of Discourse

Alfred Verdross, Two Arguments for an Empirical Foundation of Natural-Law Norms: An Examination of Johannes Messner’s and Victor Kraft’s Approaches

Ilmar Tammelo, On the Objective Foundation of Natural-Law Norms

Gabriel Moens, The Counter-Formula Method and its Applications in International Judicial Reasoning

Timothy C. Mack, Polemic in the International Court of Justice

Dale L. Carlson, International Protection of Computer Programs

Robert A. Fisher, Following in Another’s Footsteps: The Acquisition of International Legal Standing by the Palestine Liberation Organization 

Yvonne W. Rosmarin, Some Aspects of Quebec’s Official Language Act

Milton Steven Blaut, Bank Secrecy: The End of an Era?

Volume 2.2

Arthur J. Silverstein, Emigration: A Policy Oriented Inquiry

Joseph P. Griffin, Foreign Governmental Control of Multinational Corporations Marketing in the United States

Panel Discussion: American Tax Credits and Foreign Taxes and Royalties

Panel Discussion: Expropriation, Threats of Expropriation and Developmental Policy

Panel Discussion: Foreign Governmental Control of Multinational Corporations Marketing in the United States

Leslie Cookenboo, Implications of Current House of Representatives Action to Amend the Foreign Tax Credit as Applied to Foreign Source Petroleum Income

Stanford G. Ross, Federal Income Tax Treatment of United States Oil Corporations

Michael W. Gordon, Expropriation, Threats of Expropriation and Developmental Policy

Omar Z. Ghobashy, The Changing Attitudes in the World Oil Community

L.F.E. Goldie, Some Dilemmas of an Internationalist in a World of State Egoism

Keith Leon Baker, Exchange Rate Alignment: Domestic and International Objectives

Volume 2.1

Julius Stone, Force and the Charter in the Seventies

David Marx, Jr., What to Expect When Trading With the U.S.S.R.: The Problems Confronting the American Exporter

John B. Seabrook, Legal Approaches to the Trade in Stolen Antiquities

William L. Scheffler, The Politicization and Death of Rebus Sie Stantibus

Carl Cannucciari, Trade Between the European Economic Community and the Eastern Bloc: The Development of a Common External Commercial Policy for the EEC

Gary C. Merckel, The Direct Broadcast Satellite: The Need for Effective International Regulations

Robert B. Huguet, The Changing Environment of International Commerce: The Shortage Factor

Volume 1

James L. Hildebrand, The Self-Actualizing Function of Law in the Soviet Context

L.F.E. Goldie, “Impact Reports”: A Domestic Law Analogy for International Legislation

Zdenek J. Slouka, United Nations and the Deep Ocean: From Data to Norms

L.F.E. Goldie, Rich and Poor Countries and the Limits of Ideology- An Introduction to the Day’s Proceedings

Sevine Carlson, Soviet Policy on the Sea-Bed and the Ocean Floor

William Palmer, The United States Draft United Nations Convention on the International Sea-Bed Area and the Accommodation of Ocean Uses

Panel Discussion

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